Things that make me smile

Posted by The Red Devil on Monday, January 10, 2011 in , , ,
I'm so glad that there are some people who read my blog and leave me comments about how their day was changed just by seeing the photos or reading the stories. I guess whatever it is that I am doing here is making a difference. Dave said that it should be my new tagline "Changing the world, one smile and one blogpost at a time." I'd like to believe that I can make a difference. If I can make just one person smile every day, then I am happy. I want to be able to leave my kids a legacy - something they can look at when they're older and say, "Hey, my mom tried to make people smile and be happy. She's cool" (Or however it is the kids say things nowadays. LOL!)

Anyhoo...Here's today's edition of things that make me smile:

 I've always said that the best indicator of my success as an actress is if I finally have my own notebook cover. My cousins gave me this for Christmas and I'm so proud of it, I've been carrying it around and showing it off to my friends. May notebook cover na ako! Woot! Woot! This gives me the giggles.Every time.

 She may not know it but my "daufter" Mica always brings a smile to my face. I'm so proud of what she's achieved and what she does for her office family and real family. She's a very classy lady and a wonderful warm person. I love you Mics!

  Any time I spend with my Baby will guarantee a huge smile, a laugh, a grin, a chuckle or  full on laugh.

 My IBM Training Team kids always make me laugh. Their antics, the stories, the asaran and alaskahan never fail to amuse me. I love the soda pop names! LOL! I'm so proud of you and I'm so happy to have been invited to the dinner. It makes me happy to hear that you guys still call me Mother. *hugs*

 I got this as a pasalubong from Mica. I said I won't share it with anyone, as a joke. Truthfully though, I was trying to find a way to hide it before the kids saw it so I can have first dibs...

 I mean, look at all those yummy beans!! 

 But...my princess found it before I had a chance to get first dibs. LOL! 

This made me smile and go "aawww!" Older brothers who take care of their mom and their younger siblings always make me smile. It's awesome to see little boys who are growing up to be responsible and loving men.

 Quirky sunglasses make me grin.

 Chooks to Go Sayaw Fever shows always get me hyper!

 Err...(The shirt not the girl) *giggle* Louise, our delightful PA always makes me smile during the show. Adorable lady!

 Awesome costumes make me smile! Especially if I can goof around with them.

Colorful clothes make me smile too. :)

My cousin also started a smile blog. I encourage you to make one too. Take a look at her blog here:

A good friend of mine who's also a photographer wrote about smiling. Who knows best about smiling than a photographer, eh? He made such wonderful points and insights about smiling. Read about it here:

During the week, there were some great news that made me smile:

And this made me clap my hands and smile. I gave him a virtual high five and a fist bump. Asteeeg...

What made YOU smile today?


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