Davao is like my spurned vindictive lover

Posted by The Red Devil on Monday, April 25, 2011 in
The last time I was in Davao, I was supposed to have a weekend vacation with my then boyfriend (who turned out to be a total jerk) but I only stayed for about 18 hours. I had to go back to Manila as I was called for a shoot/taping. I rebooked my flight and went to work. After that shoot, I  was in a major car accident that almost cost me my life.

This time, I'm in Davao for less hours and again, I had to rebook my flight to go to a shoot/taping. Understandably, I'm freaking out. Granted, I never drove again after that accident but still, things can happen. With my luck, I'm using all my begging powers to the Fates and Destiny to make Lady Luck smile my way this time.

It kind of feels that Davao is my spurned vindictive lover. Well, more of a suitor really since I never stayed for more than a day. It's almost laughable because I was really looking forward to exploring the city in the morning. When I got here yesterday, I was excited and I could even taste the durian in the air. I guess Davao and I would have to meet again someday and this time, I'll take the time to ensure that I would spend quality time in the city's nook and crannies.

Well, boarding is in a few minutes and I'm crossing my fingers, toes and eyes and I'll hope fervently that this time, I'll be okay.


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