Things that make me smile

Posted by The Red Devil on Wednesday, February 02, 2011 in , , , ,
I've been quite busy so I apologize if I haven't posted anything. I've been so lucky to have been given an opportunity to host the Luzon Party Eliminations for Chooks to Go so I've been going around different provinces. It's awesome! :)

Without further ado, here are the things that made me smile:

 Hosting the Chooks to Go Sayaw Fever always makes me smile.

 Waking up to this view in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya made me smile. Isn't is awesome to see a view like that every single morning?

Seeing historical structures like the St. Dominic's church in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya make me feel so lucky to be able to see it up close.

 Meeting Charlie made me smile. He's an amputee dancer. It was both humbling and amazing to have met him.

 Meeting Jaja made me smile as well. She's such a wonderful girl with such confidence. She's a wonderful role model for plus size girls.

 Reading status messages like these from friends who support Chooks to Go make me happy. :)

 Fake trees with bright lights make me smile. 

 Little boys with fierce determination to play a car racing game make me laugh.

 Places that help other people help themselves is love!

 Jay-R Patron and Greater Good Philippines gives me hope.

 It really is simple, isn't it?

  Tell people the good you see in them and not the bad. Share love and joy!

 Little girls with make up make me giggle.
  Ever since the bus bombing incident, I've taken to leaving paper flowers in buses that I ride on. I'm hoping that someone finds them and think they're pretty and if a possible bomber sees it, I hope he/she changes his/her mind in blowing up the bus and just leave and go home. 

 Pretty paintings in cafes make me smile.

 I love the times that the boys actually work together on something. They put together this puzzle and they were so proud! 

What made you smile today?


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