Supernatural Season 6 episode 15 - The French Mistake aka The start of Supernatural's demise?

Posted by The Red Devil on Sunday, February 27, 2011 in , , , , , ,
Now I know what a masochist goes through...

Season 6 for supernatural has been welcomed with a lot of criticism by fans and non-fans as well. This lack of faith is not exactly kept in the dark by the fans, in fact, most of them have been very vocal about it. I'm one of those fans.

This episode is just a flat out disappointment.The storyline has been used and abused by fanfiction writers since the series started. It's just...*sigh* I don't know how to express my disappointment anymore...

Granted, there were parts of the episode that were just hilarious (like Kripke's death and the glorification of his character who kept on walking even though he was shot twice with a shotgun; the portrayal of Sera's character as a slightly clueless new producer who's trying to make her mark and prove to everyone else that she can do it; the insane photographs of Jared in his home and the seemingly bad acting by Dean and Sam) but most of the time, it was just painful to watch. I have to commend Misha though. I think he was the only one there who still has the enthusiasm and passion.

The characters have become so 2 dimensional. Seriously, Raphael comes back? How? Why did Balthazar finally decide to surrender the weapons to Castiel? And if they were in a world where there's no God, no Supernatural and no magic, how the hell did Virgil call Raphael? The whole thing is just too riddled with more holes than Swiss cheese.

And yet, I still watch the show every week. I watch it because I hope that there's a saving grace somewhere and I don't want to just judge them and end it at one episode. I want to make an informed decision and I want to be GBF. But trust me, it ain't looking good...


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