Say jejeje one more time, I dare you...

Posted by The Red Devil on Tuesday, April 27, 2010 in , ,
Most people who know me already know the passion I put into trying to teach idiotic people correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. Just when I thought it would be tough to teach people the difference between your and you're, here come the freaking Jejemons.

What is a Jejemon? Let's consult the Urban Dictionary:
- a person WhO tyPeZ lYKeS tH1s pfOuh.. whether you are RICH, MIDDLE CLASS or POOR ifpK eU tYpE L1K3 tHiS pfOuh..eU are CONSIDERED AS JEJEMON.

- a person that nevr gets tired of typing consonants in all of his comments...

- a person that destroys the morale of language in any typing media like internet,cellphones...etc...

- is the derrogative term used for a certain categorized kind of people.They type JEJEJE or JEJEJE when they want to express laughing in written words, which happen more than often. This is why we call them jejes.

JEJE-Similar to hehehe but more like a naughty chuckle coming from the back of your throat. For instance, used while plotting an evil plan. 1. I'm going to make that guy look like such a zaris..JEJEJEex.

2. "omg! my sister farted" jejeje ex.

3. 3Ohw phOwh eVeR1yBhOodY! jejeje!

ex. 4. pFroUwd 2 b @ jEJ3mOn!


WTF?! Okay maybe the real question would be WHY?! Do you feel sorry for the other consonants that aren't used as much as vowels that you feel this self righteous need to put them somewhere in a word just so they won't feel left out?! Do you think this is your new form of intelligent writing that even the aliens (who are, by the way, laughing at us right now for having such dumbassery exist in the first place...) can't decipher it?

What kind of people are we leaving our world to? Did these guys even go to school? Not even with phonetics do you hear an F sound in the word PROUD! Ang saraf fukulin ng safatos!!


There is already an existing problem in the younger generation when it comes to spelling and being grammatically correct. Why do we need to degrade our selves even further by having these kinds of language? It shows poor breeeding and miseducation!

I have people texting me this way and I do one thing automatically - delete.


omg. thank you for this post. i didn't know what the fuck jejemon was and i was getting a lot of tweets about it. it was getting so irritating.

at least now the jejemon fever on my account has died down.

You're welcome Sunshine. Now, if we can device a way on how to incinerate all of them...

I almost collapsed laughing, you are a funny guy - but its true.

Though my passion in hatred isnt 'jeje' its in people who know the right words and just say the most ridiculous things instead i.e - Wednesday.

I once knew a spastic minded numb skull that kept saying 'Wessensday' O.o"

People can imitate animal noises, car horns, repeat foreign words, but cannot repeat the word Wednesday?

Death to the infidels.

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